The fastest app for your notes.

Note to Self Mail App

How it Works

Open the app

Use the app, one of the extensions or Siri to start your note

Compose your note

Add text, audio, images or any other content to your note

Send it

The note will be sent automatically in the background

The Fastest App

Compared to the classic mail app or any widely used To Do app, Note to Self Mail saves up to 80% of your time when composing a note.

And in addition, the note is already in the right list and inbox.

Note to Self Mail

7 s

Classic To Do App

11 s

Classic Mail App

25 s

Quick Setup

Note to Self Mail only requires a connection to your email server or service provider to send a note.

This is fully GDPR compliant as the app does not use any external services and your data is not shared or stored outside the app.


Countless Features

A simple app, a lot of features. All to improve your workflow and speed up your notes.

Multiple Addresses

Use multiple email addresses to handle different inboxes.

Custom Sender

Use your custom email server or provider to send the notes.

Customizable Subject

Customize the subject of the email.


Use the iOS Share or Action Extension to create a note from any other iOS app.

Add Attachments

Add any file as attachment to the note.

Take Photos

Take photos and add them to the note.

Draw Sketches

Use the drawing tool to create hand drawn sketches.

Note to Self Mail App

Audio Messages

Record audio messages and add them to the note.

Automated Sending

The app sends your notes automatically in the background.

Siri Integration

Use Siri to compose a note. This also works with Apple Watch and Car Play.

Text Templates

Speed up repetitive inputs by using text templates.

Customizable Toolbar

Customize the toolbar to only keep the most important actions.

Archive List

Keep your notes history in the archive for later lookups.

A Closer Look

Improve Other Services

Note to Self Mail can be used with other services to create fast notes or tasks. The app offers numerous settings for importing notes via the email import of other services. Note to Self Mail supports services such as: