Replacement for Captio app?



The developer of the Captio app announced, that Captio’s cloud service will be discontinued on October 1, 2024.

Captio is a productivity app available for iPhone that allows users to send themselves quick notes with just one tap. The app is simple, reliable, and fast, making it an ideal tool for capturing ideas or tasks on the go.

Can I use Note to Self Mail as an alternative app for Captio?

There are multiple apps to take notes and send them to the own email inbox. Note to Self Mail is one great example for this task. This app provides the basic features of Captio and much more to speed up capturing ideas or tasks. Some of the most used features are:

  • Attach images to your note
  • Create sketches or hand drawings
  • Record audio notes
  • Use your own email server to send the notes
  • Customize the subject
  • Use Siri shortcuts on your Apple Watch or in CarPlay
  • Send your notes to other services to create fast notes or tasks

So Note to Self Mail is not only a good replacement for Captio, it provides even more features to speed up your notes. Check out to learn more about all the fantastic features.

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash


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